THE-ICE Hall of Fame
In 2016, THE-ICE proudly celebrated the 10th THE-ICE IPoE Forum! To mark the auspicious occasion, THE-ICE Hall of Fame was introduced. This award recognises individual, or individuals, who have consistently shown their outstanding support to THE-ICE and THE-ICE IPoE Forums over the years. Individuals are nominated by the board for their significant contributions to THE-ICE in the following categories:
- Outstanding individual support of THE-ICE IPoE Forums
- Outstanding individual support of THE-ICE
Ms Pauline Tang
2019 THE-ICE Hall of Fame award
Appointed as Chief Executive Officer in 2012, Ms Pauline Tang was the Founding Director of Business Development when THE-ICE was established by the Australian Federal Government in 2004. As one of five international centres of excellence, Pauline was tasked as rapporteur for THE-ICE, liaising with the Australian Federal Government on the successful implementation of milestones under the funding agreement from 2004 to 2008.
During her time with THE-ICE, Ms Tang oversaw the brand creation and development of THE-ICE Standards of Excellence; proved her commitment and passion for quality standards and its continuous improvement, as well as promoting the global visibility of THE-ICE as a leading TH&E quality assurance agency; developed ongoing strategic partnership with many government and non-government quality assurance agencies for the mutual recognition of accreditation standards; and was responsible for THE-ICE’s annual student satisfaction research projects, ongoing evolvement of THE-ICE accreditation schema, and providing management support to THE-ICE Assessment Panel, auditors, member institutions, and prospective accreditation applicant institutions, as well as the growth of THE-ICE Membership portfolio.
Download the Hall of Fame profile of Ms Pauline Tang in PDF format
Professor Guy Bentley
2018 THE-ICE Hall of Fame award
One of the Founding Directors of THE-ICE Board since 2008, Professor Guy Bentley was elected as Chair and Director of THE-ICE Board in 2011 and steered the team/THE-ICE to financial sustainability with outstanding enthusiasm and leadership until 2013.
He has made outstanding contributions to the sector, recognised by many national and international peers and multiple awards, and his visionary leadership has inspired staff and students to reach greater heights, and galvanized teams behind a shared vision
Download the Hall of Fame profile of Professor Guy Bentley in PDF format
Professor Brian King
2017 THE-ICE Hall of Fame award
An outstanding academic and well-published researcher, Brian has been an enthusiastic supporter of THE-ICE since its inception in 2004, as well as a major contributor in the development and review of THE-ICE Standards of Excellence. Brian has also made significant contributions to THE-ICE corporate governance as Chair of THE-ICE Advisory Council from 2004 to 2008, Inaugural Chair of THE-ICE Board from 2008 to 2011, and Chair of THE-ICE Assessment Panel from 2011 to present.
Brian has also made significant contributions to THE-ICE IPoE Forum as an Inaugural ‘Expert’, and an Advisor to THE-ICE IPoE Forum Organisation Team each year on the currency and relevance of Forum themes and subthemes. Brian has been, and continues to be, committed to sharing innovative, current and relevant international views with the participants of this signature event since 2005.
Download the Hall of Fame profile of Professor Brian King in PDF format
Professor JS Perry Hobson 
2016 THE-ICE Hall of Fame award
As Managing Director, Perry was the driving force of THE-ICE during the Australian government seed-funding period and its transition to becoming a not-for-profit independent accreditation agency in 2008. Over the years Perry made significant contributions to THE-ICE as a Member of THE-ICE Advisory Council from 2003 to 2005, led THE-ICE Executive Team for 6-years from 2006 to 2011, and then served on THE-ICE Board of Directors for a further 10-years from 2012 until 2022.
A person of high integrity, Perry always made time to provide collegial support to THE-ICE members and potential members around the world. He is an enthusiastic supporter and promoter of THE-ICE values and benefits, both nationally and internationally. He has presented frequently at the annual IPoE Forums, bringing and sharing his global academic view that is both current and practical.
Download the Hall of Fame profile of Professor Perry Hobson in PDF format