THE-ICE 5th IPoE Forum 2011
Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality Education
23-25 November 2011
Proudly hosted by Taylor’s University
Lakeside Campus, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
THE-ICE IPoE (International Panel of Experts) Forums were established to offer a series of high-level events focusing on current strategic issues facing tourism, hospitality and events (TH&E) education, as well as extensive networking opportunities. The events are open to members and non-members of THE-ICE, and feature a series of invited presentation panel sessions by leading tourism and hospitality educators and industry experts within the region and internationally.
THE-ICE 5th IPoE Forum 2011 was hosted by Taylor’s University in Malaysia and included a substantial list of 24 invited experts from over 12 countries. The panel topics focused on curriculum issues such as ‘Developing innovative Masters degrees’ as well as more applied topics such as ‘Innovations in developing and using on-campus training facilities’. Panellists were drawn from research universities, applied teaching universities, private hotel schools and vocational colleges, as well as a number of invited speakers from the industry.
Programme Highlights
- Held for the first time in Asia, the Forum also introduced newly dedicated reviewed paper sessions.
- Keynote address by Mr Jimmy Pham, founder of KOTO, Vietnam as part of the launch of THE-ICE Social Responsibility Initiative. The student organising committee from Taylor’s University were so touched by the story of KOTO and their work in helping and training disadvantaged youth in Vietnam, that they held three fundraising events and presented Mr Pham with a cheque for RM 12,500 (~$AUD 4,200) at the IPoE Forum.
- Mr Pradeep Nair, Deputy Vice Chancellor, and Neethia Ari Ragavan, Dean of the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts at Taylor’s University, were both thanked by THE-ICE for being such wonderful hosts and further thanks were extended to the co-Chairs for this event, Dr Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore and Dr Paolo Mura, as well as to the student organising team who were ably led by Ms Samantha Yap and Ms Xyril Choong.
Best Paper Award
Awarded to Dr Scott Richardson, Central Queensland University, for his paper, “The importance of work-based learning in tourism and hospitality programs: A case study of Taylor’s University Malaysia”.
Highly Commended Paper Award
Awarded to Mr James Richards, William Angliss Institute, for his paper “Which Master do we Serve?”
Panellists & Presenters
Panel Session 1: Changing Times – the need to innovate.
Chair: Professor JS Perry Hobson, THE-ICE.
- Professor Dr Pradeep Nair, DVC Taylor’s University, Malaysia.
- Professor Brian King, Victoria University, Australia.
- Mr Jimmy Pham, KOTO, Vietnam.
- Mr Victor Foo, First World Hotel, Malaysia.
Panel Session 2: Innovations in tourism, hospitality, and events education.
Chair: Associate Professor Stephen Craig-Smith, University of Queensland, Australia.
- Mr Clive Robertson, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom.
- Associate Professor Dianne Dredge, Southern Cross University, Australia.
- Dr Andy Nazarechuk, President of APacCHRIE, Singapore.
- Mr Reginald T Pereira, CEO Malaysian Association of Hotels, Malaysia.
- Professor Jamie Murphy, Murdoch University, Australia.
Panel Session 3: Innovations in internationalisation.
Chair: FH-Professor Mag Eva Werner, IMC University of Applied Sciences, Austria.
- Mr Paul Weeks, The Hotel School Sydney, Australia.
- Dr Charles Arcodia, University of Queensland, Australia.
- Dr Paolo Mura, Taylor’s University, Malaysia.
- Dr Craig Thompson, Stenden University, The Netherlands.
Panel Session 4: Industry-led education innovations Hotel Schools owned by the Hotel Companies.
Chair: Mr Peter Lewis, Vice President Kaplan Education, Singapore.
- Mr Mark Woodbridge, Oberoi Centre of Learning & Development, India.
- Ms Mae Ho Seok Khen, Berjaya University, Malaysia.
- Ms Veera Pardpattanapanich, Dusit Thani College, Thailand.
- Mr Ron Hilvert, Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management, Dubai.
Panel Session 5: Innovations in developing and using on-campus training facilities.
Chair: Dr Dominic Szambowski, INTI International College, Malaysia.
- Mr Neethia Ari Ragavan, Taylor’s University, Malaysia.
- Mr Jouni Ahonen, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Helsinki, Finland.
- Mr Jim Hopwood, Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School.
- Professor Peter Jones (MBE), The Edge Hotel School Kaplan Education, United Kingdom.
Panel Session 6: Innovations in Masters Degrees.
Chair: Mr Guy Bentley, Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School, Austraila.
- FH-Professor Mag Eva Werner, IMC University of Applied Sciences, Austria.
- Associate Professor Stephen Craig-Smith, University of Queensland, Australia.
- Dr Chris Roberts, DePaul University, United States.
- Mr William Costley, Hilton Worldwide, Malaysia.
Workshop Session 1: How to get the Best out of the Strategic Relationship between THE-ICE & i-studentgroup.
Focus: Re-development of the THE-ICE website, and recently-launched THE-ICE e-Magazine, which is aimed at parents and counsellors.
Presenter: Mr Paul Loftus, CEO, iStudent Group, United Kingdom.
Workshop Session 2: THE-ICE International & Domestic Student Anonymised Benchmarking Report – what it means to you.
Focus: How THE-ICE benchmarking data can be used to reflect on, evaluate, and improve the student experience.
Chair: Ms Pauline Tang, CEO, THE-ICE, Australia.
- Mr Guy Perring, i-graduate Director SE Asia, Malaysia.
- Mr Alan Williams, Managing Director, Australian College of Applied Education.
- Dr David Harrison, The University of The South Pacific, Fiji.
Academic Paper Presentations
Paper Presentation Session 1
Facilitator: Professor Michael Ottenbacher, Heilbronn University, Germany.
- Mr James Richards, William Angliss Institute.
Paper: Which Master Do We Serve? (Highly Commended Paper Award). - Ms Alana Harris, William Angliss Institute.
Paper: Building research capacity in a changing environment of Australian tourism and hospitality education. - Mr Robert McKenzie, Silpakorn University International College.
Paper: The effects of societal culture on an international collaborative programme in Thailand. - Dr Craig Thompson, Stenden University.
Paper: 25 Years of Evolution; Real World Learning @ Stenden University. - Dr Scott Richardson and Dr Gareth Butler, Central Queensland University.
Paper: The importance of work-based learning in tourism and hospitality programs: A case study of Taylor’s University, Malaysia (Best Paper Award).
Paper Presentation Session 2
Facilitator: Professor Brian King, Victoria University, Australia.
- Narayan Prabhu, Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration.
Paper: Building industry training facilities at campus – The case of Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration (A Constituent College of Manipal University) Manipal. - Mr Billy Ng and Souji Gopalakrishna Pillai, Berjaya University College of Hospitality.
Paper: Integrating Green concepts in culinary curriculum with a project-based learning approach. - Ms Rokhshad Tavakoli, Taylor’s University.
Paper: Continuous Dynamic Student Evaluation System of International Lecturer by Tourist Students. - Mr Ronald Willie Binati and Souji Gopalakrishna Pillai, Berjaya University college of Hospitality.
Paper: Beverage learning through edutainment competitions, special reference to immersion methodology practices at Berjaya Hospitality School of Management, Malaysia.
Paper Presentation Session 3
Facilitator: Professor Jamie Murphy, Murdoch University, Australia.
- Mr Chris Harris, Berjaya University College of Hospitality Malaysia.
Paper: The Uses of Facebook© technologies in hospitality curriculum on an experiential learning platform for a new generation of students. - Souji Gopalakrishna Pillai, Berjaya University College of Hospitality, Malaysia.
Paper: Enhancing student centred learning through Tablet PC’s technology – special reference to culinary educational practices. - Nancy Chesworth, Mount Saint Vincent University Canada.
Paper: Beyond ‘How to’s”: Toward an Integrated Model of Intercultural Communication. - Aguado Serafin Gutierrez, Virtual University of Michcoacan, and Professor Jamie Murphy, Murdoch University.
Paper: Towards Open Learning Communities.
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