THE-ICE Chief Executive Officer, Ms Pauline Tang, and General Manager, Ms Jane Gentle, were invited delegates of the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT) International Conference 2018, during which THE-ICE and HEEACT confirmed their mutual understanding, comparable missions, and institutional objectives by signing a Memorandum of Understanding as part of the conference proceedings.
Ms Tang and Ms Gentle were honoured to be invited to attend the conference, with the theme ‘Quality Assurance 4.0 in Higher Education: Innovation and Transformation’. Ms Pauline Tang delivered a presentation on the theme ‘The Role of Quality Assurance in Student Mobility and Qualification Recognition: Global Perspectives’ alongside other invited experts from Taiwan (R.O.C.), Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands etc.
The aim of the MoU is for mutual cooperation in working towards enhancing external quality assurance in both jurisdictions and improving quality of higher education in Taiwan (R.O.C.). THE-ICE is delighted to formalise this mutually beneficial relationship with a peer quality assurance agency and welcomes the opportunity to develop this strategic partnership with HEEACT for mutual growth and benefit.
In addition, THE-ICE representatives were honoured to be invited, along with the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) and other leading quality assurance agencies from around the globe, to a closed session to discuss the creation and development of a National Qualifications Framework in Taiwan (R.O.C.).