Hosco, the hospitality network

Hosco empowers the hospitality industry by connecting, inspiring, and providing opportunities to all its professionals around the world. Founded in 2011, headquartered in Geneva and with offices in Barcelona and Dubai, Hosco currently connects hundreds of thousands of professionals with thousands of first-class companies all over the world. To the industry, it offers an ever-growing pool of the world’s best talent through its partnership with top hospitality schools across all continents. For hospitality schools, it provides career and alumni management solutions, which gives them access to international employment opportunities, connections, and industry insights.
Through its Business Alliance partnership with Hosco, THE-ICE is able to provide its member institutions worldwide with data that will detail the placement success of their students and graduates.
THE-ICE has partnered with Hosco to collect and provide accurate data related to alumni employability for its global network of member institutions. The inputs gathered will enable THE-ICE members to:
- Monitor their placement effectiveness in detail
- Track their graduates’ career development
- Benchmark their employability practices against other member institutions of THE-ICE
- Collect critical information about their students and alumni employment status, including role, department, and job location, to further improve their hospitality programs and employment offers
- Receive time-series data reports to monitor and benchmark their placement activities’ efficacy, to keep improving their employment strategies
The Business Alliance between THE-ICE and Hosco enables members of THE-ICE to validate their quality through detailing the opportunities and career paths their programmes lead to. This information will help THE-ICE members more effectively position themselves in the increasingly competitive higher education landscape. In turn, THE-ICE can ensure that member institutions not only deliver quality during their programmes but, critically, that they deliver quality through their programmes.
In addition to tracking and benchmarking for institutions, students and alumni of THE-ICE member institutions have access to Hosco’s global community to make connections, find jobs, and stay inspired in pursuing a career in hospitality, supporting them to further expand their international placement and employment opportunities.
Hosco is also licensed to provide hospitality schools access to over 1,400 of Lobster Ink’s online industry training courses, used by most of the world’s top hospitality brands, to support their online education, internships and micro-certification development. Through this, THE-ICE has secured a guaranteed minimum discount of 25% for members of THE-ICE off Lobster Ink products purchased through Hosco. More about the Hosco/Lobster Ink offer can be found here.
To access the special all access demo of Lobster Ink, exclusive to THE-ICE members, contact THE-ICE at accreditation@the-ice.org. Note, you do not need to be a Hosco partner to utilize the Lobster Ink courses.
Click here to view the Lobster Ink Course Adoption Proposal
To find out more about Hosco, visit Hosco’s website or get in touch at schoolrelations@hosco.com.