THE-ICE RGS 2022 Call for Research Proposals is closed
THE-ICE Research Grant Scheme (RGS) is now accepting submissions, which should address the 15th IPoE Forum 2022 theme, ‘Hospitality and Tourism Higher Education; Connecting Minds and Creating the Future’ and sub-themes;
- Connecting minds in meaningful and manageable ways.
- The role of higher education institutions in rebuilding sustainable and resilient tourism and hospitality.
- Increasing mobility and accessibility; opportunities and challenges facing the TH&E higher education providers.
- Is the degree dead? What and how should higher education institutions offer TH&E students in the future?
- How to make quality count.
THE-ICE Research Grant Scheme (RGS)
The purpose of THE-ICE RGS is to facilitate and promote research by member institutions, supporting THE-ICE objective to enhance the quality of higher education in tourism, hospitality, events and culinary arts (TH&E). Research topics that may be supported by the RGS include, but are not limited to, the following;
- Assuring and enhancing quality in TH&E institutions
- Enhancing teaching and learning in TH&E
- Enhancing the process of and benefits from accreditation in TH&E institutions
- Evaluating and benchmarking performance in TH&E institutions
THE-ICE RGS is designed to:
- Encourage and support research within THE-ICE member institutions
- Generate research outcomes that support the objectives of THE-ICE and provide tangible benefits to member institutions
- Stimulate interaction and research amongst members of THE-ICE
- Generate research-based content for the THE-ICE annual signature event, the International Panel of Experts (IPoE) Forum
Each year THE-ICE will fund up to two (2) research proposals to the value of AU$3,500 each. Payment of THE-ICE Research Grant is subject to:
- Adherence to key submission dates (as per the announcement)
- Submission of the final research paper to THE-ICE
- Presentation of the research and outcomes at the IPoE Forum
Guidelines for Applicants
Applications are welcomed from individuals and/or teams from accredited member institutions of THE-ICE. Research proposals should:
- Address a theme relevant to the objectives of THE-ICE RGS and relevant IPoE Forum (the theme of the IPoE Forum 2022 is ‘Hospitality and Tourism Higher Education; Connecting Minds and Creating the Future’)
- Propose an original course of research that contributes to the field of tourism and hospitality education
- Follow an empirical approach, with the potential to produce robust, reliable and actionable results
- Be original work and unpublished (in full) elsewhere
For further guidance, please refer to the Research Proposal Template and THE-ICE RGS Frame of Reference.
Evaluation of Research Proposals
Research proposals submitted before the deadline, and adherent to the THE-ICE RGS Frame of Reference, will be reviewed by the RGS Review Committee and evaluated based on;
- Importance and relevance of the research to the objectives of THE-ICE and to quality in TH&E higher education.
- Potential to make an original contribution to the existing body of knowledge of TH&E education, and implications for development of best practice.
- Potential to facilitate cooperation between two (2) or more member institutions of THE-ICE.
- Contribution to/alignment with the theme of the relevant IPoE Forum.
- Soundness of theoretical framework and consistency of methodology and research design.
- Feasibility of proposed objectives, timelines/deadlines, and budget.
- Adherence to the Research Proposal Template.
Key Dates
Research proposals are to be submitted to elise@the-ice.org by the following deadlines:
- Research proposals should be submitted by Monday 30th May, 2022
- The successful applicant/s will be notified by Monday 20th June, 2022
- Final research papers must be submitted by Monday 17th October 2022
- Research findings will be presented at THE-ICE IPoE Forum 7th – 9th November 2022 (or virtual platformed aligned with a VIPoE if travel is not possible due to COVID-19).
All enquiries regarding the submission of research proposals should be directed to Ms Elise Lawrence, Operations Manager of THE-ICE, at elise@the-ice.org.
Please Note:
Any publication or presentation of results of the research must be approved by THE-ICE in advance to ensure that confidential information is not inadvertently divulged. THE-ICE will not unreasonably withhold or delay approval. A review of the final report will be conducted within 14 days of submission. THE-ICE reserves the right to refuse dissemination of research grant funding if the researcher/s do not adhere to the approved research proposal.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities are now available for THE-ICE 15th IPoE Forum 2022, please email elise@the-ice.org for details.